What is Imposter Syndrome?

What is Imposter Syndrome

What is imposter syndrome?

Imposter syndrome refers to an individual's experience of believing that you are not as competent as other people perceive you to be. It is the experience of feeling like a fraud, and like you don’t belong where you are. It can affect anyone regardless of work background, skill level, expertise, or social status.

What does imposter syndrome feel like?

Imposter syndrome feels like a conflict between your own self-perception and the way other people perceive you. Even when others praise you for your success or talents, you write off your accomplishments as timing or good luck. It can lead to the sufferer feeling like they aren’t as competent or intelligent as others think, and that soon enough people will discover the truth about them.

Characteristics of imposter syndrome

  • Berating your performance
  • Attributing your success to external factors
  • Inability to assess your competence
  • Fear that you won’t live up to expectations
  • Overachieving
  • Sabotaging your own success
  • Self-doubt
  • Setting difficult goals and then feeling disappointed when you don’t achieve them

How does imposter syndrome manifest itself?

Imposter syndrome and its symptoms can manifest itself in many ways:

At work: People with imposter syndrome often attribute their success to luck rather than their own abilities. This can keep them from applying for promotions or other jobs. They may also overwork themselves as they have set themselves impossibly high standards. When they do get promoted, they will feel often feel anxious and undeserving.

At home: Imposter syndrome can manifest also at home. Parents may feel clueless, incapable, and unprepared for the responsibility of raising their children. If these feelings go unchecked, it can cause the parent to struggle to make decisions for their child out of fear they will make a wrong choice.

At school: Students may avoid speaking up in class or answering and asking questions in case their teachers or classmates think they are clueless.

In relationships: Some people may feel unworthy of their partner or relationship. This can lead to a fear that their partner will realise that they’re not good enough for them.

How can hypnotherapy help?

To overcome imposter syndrome, the biggest solution is action. Rather than allowing the thoughts to stew in your head, taking control of your thoughts is key in the struggle against imposter syndrome. Solution-focused hypnotherapy focuses on helping you understand your brain and taking those small steps forward using your strength and skills. We work to improve your confidence and positive thinking, which helps to combat any self-doubt you may be having. If you have been struggling with imposter syndrome, please get in touch and book a free initial consultation.