Focusing on your mindset, not your diet

Focussing on your mindset, not your diet

Dieting can feel extremely overwhelming, with conflicting fad diets circling the media and pressures from social media. We are often bombarded with ‘new year, new you’ messages in January, and we are encouraged to use the new year as motivation for starting a new strict diet and exercise routine. Dieters often then go into overdrive and feel completely overwhelmed and fed up by March. This chop-and-change approach can then become a lifestyle, leaving you stuck in that negative ‘dieting’ mindset.

During hypnotherapy, we will discuss the mindset surrounding losing weight with clients who have come to us with this as their goal. We will help to change the mindset surrounding dieting. If you want to lose weight, a powerful part is wanting to be healthy and happy – and not just simply wishing that you were not overweight. By flipping the desire by focusing on the being healthy, it makes the goal 100 per cent positive.

Once clients find that they have changed their mental outlook and have a positive approach to their goal, losing weight and gaining confidence comes naturally.
This often leads to clients gaining motivation for exercising, replacing the old cycle of thinking and developing a ‘can do’ attitude.

Who is weight loss hypnotherapy for?

Weight loss hypnotherapy is for everyone. Results depend on the person and their will power, desire, approach and commitment to the process, and this plays a part in the outcome. If you know that you are not happy with what is going on and you want to change, hypnotherapy could be perfect for you. Why not book a free consultation?