What is hypnosis?

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a completely natural, trance-like state of focused attention. When we enter this unique state of consciousness, we can use our thoughts, skills, talents and experiences in ways that are not normally available to us. It allows the individual to facilitate positive change in their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Clients often comment how “ordinary” hypnosis feels – it’s not unlike daydreaming – you can often hear everything that is being said whilst being in a deeply relaxed state. We go into this trance-like state every day, when we’re walking the dog, reading, cooking, driving, etc. Hypnotherapy simply combines proven therapeutic approaches with the benefits of hypnosis. This means that individuals are not treated with hypnosis but are treated in hypnosis. What you feel whilst being hypnotized differs from person to person as everyone experiences it differently. Most people feel very relaxed and often feel calm and energized afterwards too.

Hypnotherapy can be used to change unwanted beliefs and behaviors, bring relief to conditions or to enhance an individual’s confidence, talents and potentials. It can help treat unwanted problems such as depression, low, confidence, anxiety and phobias. Hypnotherapy was approved as a valid medical treatment in 1955 by the British Medical Association.